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Journal of Convex Analysis

Cumulative Index
Volume 1 (1994) -- Volume 31 (2024)

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Abardia, J. & E. Gallego
Convexity on Complex Hyperbolic Space, 20 (2013) 329--338
[Abstract / Full Text]

Abbott, S. & J. Wu
A Bohr Mollerup Theorem for Interpolating the Triangular Numbers, 25 (2018) 65--73
[Abstract / Full Text]

Abrahamsen, T. & V. Lima & O. Nygaard
Remarks on Diameter 2 Properties, 20 (2013) 439--452
[Abstract / Full Text]

Abrantes Santos, J. & C. O. Alves & J. V. A. Goncalves
On Multiple Solutions for Multivalued Elliptic Equations under Navier Boundary Conditions, 18 (2011) 627--644
[Abstract / Full Text]

Acerbi, E. & G. Buttazzo & F. Prinari
The Class of Functionals which can be Represented by a Supremum, 9 (2002) 225--236
[Abstract / Full Text]

Acosta, M. D. & J. Becerra Guerrero
Slices in the Unit Ball of the Symmetric Tensor Product of a Banach Space, 18 (2011) 513--528
[Abstract / Full Text]
Acosta, M. D. & J. Becerra-Guerrero & G. López-Pérez
Stability Results of Diameter Two Properties, 22 (2015) 1--17
[Abstract / Full Text]
Acosta, M. D. & A. Kaminska & M. Mastylo
The Daugavet Property and Weak Neighborhoods in Banach Lattices, 19 (2012) 875--912
[Abstract / Full Text]

Adamek, M.
On F-Convex Functions, 28 (2021) 761--770
[Abstract / Full Text]

Adan, M. & V. Novo
Partial and Generalized Subconvexity in Vector Optimization Problems, 8 (2001) 583--594
[Abstract / Full Text]

Adilov, G. & G. Tinaztepe & I. Yesilce
Separation of B-1-Convex Sets by B-1-Measurable Maps, 21 (2014) 571--580
[Abstract / Full Text]

Adilov, G. & I. Yesilce
B-1-Convex Functions, 24 (2017) 505--517
[Abstract / Full Text]

Adiprasito, K. & T. Zamfirescu
Large Curvature on Typical Convex Surfaces, 19 (2012) 385--391
[Abstract / Full Text]

Adly, S. & H. Attouch
Finite-Time Stabilization of Continuous Inertial Dynamics Combining Dry Friction with Hessian-Driven Damping, 28 (2021) 281--310
[Abstract / Full Text]
Adly, S. & H. Attouch & R. T. Rockafellar
Preservation or Not of the Maximally Monotone Property by Graph-Convergence, 30 (2023) 413--440
[Abstract / Full Text]
Adly, S. & L. Bourdin & F. Caubet
On a Decomposition Formula for the Proximal Operator of the Sum of Two Convex Functions, 26 (2019) 699--718
[Abstract / Full Text]
Adly, S. & B. Brogliato & B. K. Le
Implicit Euler Time-Discretization of a Class of Lagrangian Systems with Set-Valued Robust Controller, 23 (2016) 23--52
[Abstract / Full Text]
Adly, S. & E. Ernst & M. Théra
A Characterization of Convex and Semicoercive Functionals, 8 (2001) 127--148
[Abstract / Full Text]
Adly, S. & H. V. Ngai
Quasi-Newton Methods for Solving Nonsmooth Equations: Generalized Dennis-Moré Theorem and Broyden's Update, 25 (2018) 1075--1104
[Abstract / Full Text]
Adly, S. & H. V. Ngai & V. V. Nguyen
Dennis-Moré Condition for Set-Valued Vector Fields and the Superlinear Convergence of Broyden Updates in Riemannian Manifolds, 29 (2022) 669--701
[Abstract / Full Text]
Adly, S. & H. V. Ngai & N. V. Vu
Newton-Type Method for Solving Generalized Equations on Riemannian Manifolds, 25 (2018) 341--370
[Abstract / Full Text]
Adly, S. & J. V. Outrata
Qualitative Stability of a Class of Non-Monotone Variational Inclusions. Application in Electronics, 20 (2013) 43--66
[Abstract / Full Text]

Agarwal, R. P. & D. O'Regan & S. S. Rabie & S. H. Saker
Opial and Saitoh Type Inequalities on Time Scales, 27 (2020) 1073--1090
[Abstract / Full Text]

Aggarwal, M. & S. Kundu
Cauchy Metrizability of Bornological Universes, 24 (2017) 1085--1098
[Abstract / Full Text]

Aghezzaf, B. & S. Sajid
On the Second-Order Contingent Set and Differential Inclusions, 7 (2000) 183--196
[Abstract / Full Text]

Aharouch, L. & Y. Akdim
Strongly Nonlinear Elliptic Unilateral Problems without Sign Condition and L1 Data, 13 (2006) 135--149
[Abstract / Full Text]

Aissani, A. & M. Chipot
On the Equilibrium Position of a Square on an Elastic Wire, 8 (2001) 171--196
[Abstract / Full Text]

Ait Mansour, M. & D. Aussel
Quasimonotone Variational Inequalities and Quasiconvex Programming: Qualitative Stability, 15 (2008) 459--472
[Abstract / Full Text]
Ait Mansour, M. & M. Durea & M. Théra
A Lower Semicontinuous Regularization for Set-Valued Mappings and its Applications, 15 (2008) 473--484
[Abstract / Full Text]
Ait Mansour, M. & H. Riahi
On the Eigenvalues Problem for Hemivariational Inequalities: Existence and Stability, 9 (2002) 309--324
[Abstract / Full Text]

Akagi, G. & S. Melchionna
Elliptic-Regularization of Nonpotential Perturbations of Doubly-Nonlinear Flows of Nonconvex Energies: A Variational Approach, 25 (2018) 861--898
[Abstract / Full Text]
Akagi, G. & U. Stefanelli
A Variational Principle for Gradient Flows of Nonconvex Energies, 23 (2016) 53--75
[Abstract / Full Text]

Akashi, S. & Y. Kimura & W. Takahashi
Strongly Convergent Iterative Methods for Generalized Split Feasibility Problems in Hilbert Spaces, 22 (2015) 917--938
[Abstract / Full Text]

Akdim, Y. & L. Aharouch
Strongly Nonlinear Elliptic Unilateral Problems without Sign Condition and L1 Data, 13 (2006) 135--149
[Abstract / Full Text]

Akemann, C. A. & G. C. Shell & N. Weaver
Locally Nonconical Convexity, 8 (2001) 087--108
[Abstract / Full Text]
Akemann, C. A. & N. Weaver
Automatic Convexity, 10 (2003) 275--284
[Abstract / Full Text]

Akian, M. & S. Gaubert & A. Hochart
Minimax Representation of Nonexpansive Functions and Application to Zero-Sum Recursive Games, 2 5 (2018) 225--240
[Abstract / Full Text]

Alatawi, M. S.
The Locality Property for Compensated Convex Transforms, 29 (2022) 1037--1064
[Abstract / Full Text]
The Regularity Property of Compensated Convex Transforms for Semiconvex Functions of General Modulus, 31 (2024) 959--981
[Abstract / Full Text]
Alatawi, M. & K. Zhang
Hausdorff Stability and Error Estimates for Compensated Convexity Based Methods for Approximation and Interpolation for Functions in Rn, 27 (2020) 1277--1302
[Abstract / Full Text]

Alber, Ya. I. & A. N. Iusem & M. V. Solodov
Minimization of Nonsmooth Convex Funcionals in Banach Spaces, 4 (1997) 235--256
[FullText-pdf (257 KB)]

Alberti, G. & P. Majer
Gap Phenomenon for Some Autonomous Functionals, 1 (1994) 031--046
[FullText-pdf (168 KB)]

Albiac, F.
The Role of Local Convexity in Lipschitz Maps, 18 (2011) 983--997
[Abstract / Full Text]

Aleyner, A. & S. Reich
Random Products of Quasi-Nonexpansive Mappings in Hilbert Space, 16 (2009) 633--640
[Abstract / Full Text]

Alibert, J. J. & G. Bouchitte
Non-Uniform Integrability and Generalized Young Measure, 4 (1997) 129--148
[FullText-pdf (204 KB)]

Alicandro, R. & A. Corbo Esposito & C. Leone
Relaxation in BV of Integral Functionals Defined on Sobolev Functions with Values in the Unit Sphere, 14 (2007) 69--98
[Abstract / Full Text]

Alimov, A. R. & E. V. Shchepin
Convexity of Suns in Tangent Directions, 26 (2019) 1071--1076
[Abstract / Full Text]
Alimov, A. R. & I. G. Tsar'kov
Max-Solar Properties of Sets in Normed and Asymmetrically Normed Spaces, 30 (2023) 159--174
[Abstract / Full Text]

Aliyev, M. & F. Mamedov & F. M. Mammadova
Boundedness Criterions for the Hardy Operator in Weighted Lp(.)(0,l) Space, 22 (2015) 553--568
[Abstract / Full Text]

Alizadeh, M. H. & N. Hadjisavvas & M. Roohi
Local Boundedness Properties for Generalized Monotone Operators, 19 (2012) 49--61
[Abstract / Full Text]
Alizadeh, M. H. & A. N. Iusem & W. Sosa Sandoval
Some Recent Results on Premonotone Operators, 31 (2024) 853--866
[Abstract / Full Text]

Almeida, A. & J. Harjani & K. Sadarangani
A Best Proximity Point Theorem for Generalized Weakly Contractive Non Self Mappings, 21 (2014) 989--1006
[Abstract / Full Text]

Alonso, J. & P. Martín
Convex Bodies with Sheafs of Elliptic Sections, 13 (2006) 169--175
[Abstract / Full Text]
Convex Bodies with Sheafs of Elliptic Sections II, 14 (2007) 1--11
[Abstract / Full Text]

Aloqeili, M. & N. Masarwah
Inverse Problem in Convex Optimization with Linear Homogeneous Constraints, 25 (2018) 717--736
[Abstract / Full Text]

Alsulami, S. M. & N. Hussain & W. Takahashi
Weak Convergence Theorems for Semigroups of Not Necessarily Continuous Mappings in Banach Spaces, 22 (2015) 81--100
[Abstract / Full Text]

Alvarez, F.
Absolute Minimizer in Convex Programming by Exponential Penalty, 7 (2000) 197--202
[Abstract / Full Text]
Alvarez, F. & R. Correa & P. Gajardo
Inner Estimation of the Eigenvalue Set and Exponential Series Solutions to Differential Inclusions, 12 (2005) 1--11
[Abstract / Full Text]
Alvarez, F. & R. Correa & M. Marechal
Regular Self-Proximal Distances are Bregman, 24 (2017) 135--148
[Abstract / Full Text]
Alvarez, F. & S. Flores
Remarks on Lipschitz Solutions to Measurable Differential Inclusions and an Existence Result for some Nonconvex Variational Problems, 15 (2008) 349--363
[Abstract / Full Text]
Alvarez, F. & J. López
Convergence to the Optimal Value for Barrier Methods Combined with Hessian Riemannian Gradient Flows and Generalized Proximal Algorithms, 17 (2010) 701--720
[Abstract / Full Text]

Alves, C. O. & J. Abrantes Santos & J. V. A. Goncalves
On Multiple Solutions for Multivalued Elliptic Equations under Navier Boundary Conditions, 18 (2011) 627--644
[Abstract / Full Text]
Alves, C. O. & M. Yang
Existence of Solutions for a Nonlocal Variational Problem in R2 with Exponential Critical Growth, 24 (2017) 1197--1215
[Abstract / Full Text]

Amar, M. & A. Dall'Aglio & F. Paronetto
Homogenization of Changing-Type Evolution Equations, 12 (2005) 221--237
[Abstract / Full Text]
Amar, M. & E. Vitali
Homogenization of Periodic Finsler Metrics, 5 (1998) 171--186
[FullText-pdf (232 KB)]

Amir, A. & H. Mokhtar-Kharroubi
Normality and Quasiconvex Integrands, 17 (2010) 59--68
[Abstract / Full Text]

An, N. T. & N. M. Nam & N. D. Yen
A D.C. Algorithm via Convex Analysis Approach for Solving a Location Problem Involving Sets, 23 (2016) 77--101
[Abstract / Full Text]

An, Phan Thanh & V. T. T. Binh & N. N. Hai
Strictly Stable Generalized Monotone Maps and Two Versions of Wald's Axiom, 28 (2021) 123--142
[Abstract / Full Text]
An, Phan Thanh & N. N. Hai
A Generalization of Blaschke's Convergence Theorem in Metric Spaces, 20 (2013) 1013--1024
[Abstract / Full Text]
An, Phan Thanh & N. N. Hai & P. T. T. Huyen
Shortest Paths along a Sequence of Line Segments in Euclidean Spaces, 26 (2019) 1089--1112
[Abstract / Full Text]
An, Phan Than & N. D. Hoang & N. K. Linh
The Lifting Projection of Convex Polyhedra for Finding Delaunay Triangulations, 29 (2022) 143--156
[Abstract / Full Text]
An, Phan Than & N. T. Le & L. H. Trang
Finding Approximately Convex Ropes in the Plane, 30 (2023) 249--270
[Abstract / Full Text]

Ando, T.
Bounds for Anti-Distance, 3 (1996) 371--374
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Andric, M. & J. Pecaric
On (h,g;m)-Convexity and the Hermite-Hadamard Inequality, 29 (2022) 257--268
[Abstract / Full Text]

Anh, Pham Ngoc & H. A. Le Thi & P. D. Tao
Yosida Approximation Methods for Generalized Equilibrium Problems, 27 (2020) 959--977
[Abstract / Full Text]

Anh, Tran Viet & L. D. Muu
Quasi-Nonexpansive Mappings Involving Pseudomonotone Bifunctions on Convex Sets, 25 (2018) 1105--1119
[Abstract / Full Text]

Anello, G. & G. Cordaro
An Existence Theorem for the Neumann Problem Involving the p-Laplacian, 10 (2003) 185--198
[Abstract / Full Text]

Angosto, C. & J. Kakol & A. Kubzdela
Measures of Weak Noncompactness in Non-Archimedean Banach Spaces, 21 (2014) 833--849
[Abstract / Full Text]

Anza Hafsa, O.
Variational formulations on Thin Elastic Plates with Constraints, 12 (2005) 365--382
[Abstract / Full Text]
Anza Hafsa, O. & J.-P. Mandallena
Relaxation and 3d-2d Passage Theorems in Hyperelasticity, 19 (2012) 759--794
[Abstract / Full Text]
Γ-Limits of Functionals Determined by their Infima, 23 (2016) 103--137
[Abstract / Full Text]

Aoyama, K. & Y. Kimura & W. Takahashi
Maximal Monotone Operators and Maximal Monotone Functions for Equilibrium Problems, 15 (2008) 395--409
[Abstract / Full Text]

Apkarian, P. & D. Noll & O. Prot
A Proximity Control Algorithm to Minimize Nonsmooth and Nonconvex Semi-Infinite Maximum Eigenvalue Functions, 16 (2009) 641--666
[Abstract / Full Text]

Apostolov, S. R. & M. I. Krastanov & N. K. Ribarska
Sufficient Condition for Tangential Transversality, 27 (2020) 19--30
[Abstract / Full Text]

Aramaki, J.
Existence of a Solution to a Stationary Quasi-Variational Inequality in a Multi-Connected Domain, 28 (2021) 237--250
[Abstract / Full Text]

Aragón Artacho, F. J. & M. H. Geoffroy
Characterization of Metric Regularity of Subdifferentials, 15 (2008) 365--380
[Abstract / Full Text]

Araújo, G. & P. Jiménez-Rodríguez & G. A. Muñoz-Fernández & J. B. Seoane-Sepúlveda
Polynomial Inequalities on the π/4-Circle Sector, 24 (2017) 927--953
[Abstract / Full Text]

Arelio, I. & L. Montejano
Convex Bodies with Many Elliptic Sections, 24 (2017) 685--693
[Abstract / Full Text]

Armstrong, S. & A. Berkaoui & S. Jacka
On Representing and Hedging Claims for Coherent Risk Measures, 26 (2019) 245--267
[Abstract / Full Text]

Aron, R. M. & D. García & M. Maestre
Construction of Weakly Dense, Norm Divergent Sequences, 16 (2009) 667--672
[Abstract / Full Text]

Artstein, Z.
Interval-Decomposability of Continuous Functions, and Convexity, 27 (2020) 31--48
[Abstract / Full Text]
Artstein, Z. & C. C. Popa
Convexity and the Natural Best Approximation in Spaces of Integrable Young Measures, 10 (2003) 169--184
[Abstract / Full Text]
Artstein, Z. & A. Shapira
Samplings from the Values of Random Convex Sets, 30 (2023) 441--452
[Abstract / Full Text]
Artstein, Z. & R. J-B Wets
Consistency of Minimizers and the SLLN for Stochastic Programs, 2 (1995) 001--018
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Arutyunov, A. V.
Lower Bound of the Upper Topological Limit of a Sequence of Subspaces, 27 (2020) 49--51
[Abstract / Full Text]

Asche, M.
On the Structure of Nash Equilibrium Sets in Partially Convex Games, 4 (1997) 363--372
[FullText-pdf (217 KB)]

Askoura, Y. & Ch. Godet-Thobie
Fixed Points in Contractible Spaces and Convex Subsets of Topological Vector Spaces, 13 (2006) 193--205
[Abstract / Full Text]

Astorino, A. & M. Gaudioso & A. Seeger
Conic Separation of Finite Sets. I: The homogeneous case, 21 (2014) 1--28
[Abstract / Full Text]
Conic Separation of Finite Sets. II: The Non-Homogeneous Case, 21 (2014) 819--831
[Abstract / Full Text]

Astruc, T.
Existence of Regular Solutions for a One-Dimensional Simplified Perfect-Plastic Problem with a Unilateral Gradient Constraint, 4 (1997) 257--280
[FullText-pdf (261 KB)]

Atenas, F. & C. Sagastizábal
A Bundle-Like Progressive Hedging Algorithm, 30 (2023) 453--479
[Abstract / Full Text]

Athavale, P. & R. L. Jerrard & M. Novaga & G. Orlandi
Weighted TV Minimization and Applications to Vortex Density Models, 24 (2017) 1051--1084
[Abstract / Full Text]

Atteia, M. & M. Raissouli
Self Dual Operators on Convex Functionals; Geometric Mean and Square Root of Convex Functionals, 8 (2001) 223--240
[Abstract / Full Text]

Attouch, H.
To Whom I am Greatly Indebted ..., 17 (2010) 681--699
[Abstract / Full Text]
Attouch, H. & S. Adly
Finite-Time Stabilization of Continuous Inertial Dynamics Combining Dry Friction with Hessian-Driven Damping, 28 (2021) 281--310
[Abstract / Full Text]
Attouch, H. & S. Adly & R. T. Rockafellar
Preservation or Not of the Maximally Monotone Property by Graph-Convergence, 30 (2023) 413--440
[Abstract / Full Text]
Attouch, H. & J.-B. Baillon & M. Thera
Variational Sum of Monotone Operators, 1 (1994) 001--030
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Attouch, H. & J. Bolte & P. Redont & A. Soubeyran
Alternating Proximal Algorithms for Weakly Coupled Convex Minimization Problems. Applications to Dynamical Games and PDE's, 15 (2008) 485--506
[Abstract / Full Text]
Attouch, H. & M. Marques Alves & B. F. Svaiter
A Dynamic Approach to a Proximal-Newton Method for Monotone Inclusions in Hilbert Spaces, with Complexity O(1/n2), 23 (2016) 139--180
[Abstract / Full Text]
Attouch, H. & A. Soubeyran
Inertia and Reactivity in Decision Making as Cognitive Variational Inequalities, 13 (2006) 207--224
[Abstract / Full Text]
Attouch, H. & M. Thera
A General Duality Principle for the Sum of Two Operators, 3 (1996) 001--024
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Atwal, P.
Continuum Limit of a Double-Chain Model for Multiload Shape Optimization, 18 (2011) 153--172
[Abstract / Full Text]

Aubin, J.-P.
The Imaginary Colloquium, 13 (2006) iii--xvi
[Abstract / Full Text]
Echelons of Sets on Dispersion Gaps: Tools for Cluster Analysis, 27 (2020) 53--78
[Abstract / Full Text]
Aubin, J.-P. & O. Dordan
A Survey on Galois Stratifications and Measures of Viability Risk, 23 (2016) 181--225
[Abstract / Full Text]
Aubin, J.-P. & H. Frankowska
Partial Differential Inclusions Governing Feedback Controls, 2 (1995) 019--040
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Auslender, A.
A Proximal Extension of the Column Generation Method to Nonconvex Conic Optimization Providing Bounds for the Duality Gap, 17 (2010) 721--736
[Abstract / Full Text]

Aussel, D. & M. Ait Mansour
Quasimonotone Variational Inequalities and Quasiconvex Programming: Qualitative Stability, 15 (2008) 459--472
[Abstract / Full Text]
Aussel, D. & J.-N. Corvellec & M. Lassonde
Subdifferential Characterization of Quasiconvexity and Convexity, 1 (1994) 195--202
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Aussel, D. & J. Cotrina & A. N. Iusem
An Existence Result for Quasi-Equilibrium Problems, 24 (2017) 55--66
[Abstract / Full Text]
Aussel, D. & J. Dutta & A. C. Xu
The Dual Gap Function and Error Bounds for Strongly Monotone Variational Inequalities, 25 (2018) 1121--1138
[Abstract / Full Text]

Azagra, D. & C. Mudarra
Global Approximation of Convex Functions by Differentiable Convex Functions on Banach Spaces, 22 (2015) 1197--1205
[Abstract / Full Text]
Prescribing Tangent Hyperplanes to C1,1 and C1, ω Convex Hypersurfaces in Hilbert and Superreflexive Banach Spaces, 27 (2020) 79--102
[Abstract / Full Text]

Azé, D.
A Unified Theory for Metric Regularity of Multifunctions, 13 (2006) 225--252
[Abstract / Full Text]
Azé, D. & S. Bolintineanu
Optimality Conditions for Constrained Convex Parabolic Control Problems Via Duality, 7 (2000) 001--018
[Abstract / Full Text]
Azé, D. & J.-N. Corvellec
Variational Methods in Classical Open Mapping Theorems, 13 (2006) 477--488
[Abstract / Full Text]
Azé, D. & A. Rahmouni
On Primal-Dual Stability in Convex Optimization, 3 (1996) 309--328
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Azevedo, A. & L. Santos
Convergence of Convex Sets with Gradient Constraint, 11 (2004) 285--301
[Abstract / Full Text]

[Back] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

Babadjian, J.-F. & R. Llerena
Mixed Boundary Conditions as Limits of Dissipative Boundary Conditions in Dynamic Perfect Plasticity, 30 (2023) 81--110
[Abstract / Full Text]

Babaoglu, C. & H. Shahgholian
Symmetry in Multi-Phase Overdetermined Problems, 18 (2011) 1013--1024
[Abstract / Full Text]

Bacak, M. & J. M. Borwein & A. Eberhard & B. S. Mordukhovich
Infimal Convolutions and Lipschitzian Properties of Subdifferentials for Prox-Regular Functions in Hilbert Spaces, 17 (2010) 737--763
[Abstract / Full Text]
Bacák, M. & U. Kohlenbach
On Proximal Mappings with Young Functions in Uniformly Convex Banach Spaces, 25 (2018) 1291--1318
[Abstract / Full Text]

Bachir, M.
Convex Extension of Lower Semicontinuous Functions Defined on Normal Hausdorff Space, 27 (2020) 1033--1049
[Abstract / Full Text]

Bag, S. & A. Bhanja & K. Mandal & K. Paul
On the Numerical Range of Operators on some Special Banach Spaces, 29 (2022) 371--380
[Abstract / Full Text]

Bagh, A.
An Epi-Convergence Result for Bivariate Convex Functions, 11 (2004) 197--208
[Abstract / Full Text]
Existence and Statistical Estimation of Equilibria in Stochastic Electoral Competitions, 30 (2023) 481--498
[Abstract / Full Text]

Baillon, J.-B. & H. Attouch & M. Thera
Variational Sum of Monotone Operators, 1 (1994) 001--030
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Bair, J. & J. C. Dupin
The Barrier Cone of a Convex Set and the Closure of the Cover, 6 (1999) 395--398
[Abstract / Full Text]

Baji, B. & A. Cabot
On some Curvature-Dependent Steplength for the Gradient Method, 17 (2010) 765--780
[Abstract / Full Text]

Baker, D. & M. D. Wills
When are Extreme Points Enough?, 17 (2010) 565--582
[Abstract / Full Text]

Balashov, M. V.
Weak Convexity of the Distance Function, 20 (2013) 93--106
[Abstract / Full Text]
Antidistance and Antiprojection in the Hilbert Space, 22 (2015) 521--536
[Abstract / Full Text]
Intersection of a Set with a Hyperplane, 23 (2016) 227--236
[Abstract / Full Text]
About the Gradient Projection Algorithm for a Strongly Convex Function and a Proximally Smooth Set, 24 (2017) 493--500
[Abstract / Full Text]
Lipschitz Stability of Extremal Problems with a Strongly Convex Set, 27 (2020) 103--116
[Abstract / Full Text]
The Lipschitz Condition of the Metric Projection in the Plis Metric, 27 (2020) 923--934
[Abstract / Full Text]
Approximate Calculation of the Chebyshev Center for a Convex Compact Set in Rn, 29 (2022) 157--164
[Abstract / Full Text]
Viability of the Solution with a Perturbation and Feedback Control, 31 (2024) 289--296
[Abstract / Full Text]
Balashov, M. V. & M. O. Golubev
Weak Concavity of the Antidistance Function, 21 (2014) 951--964
[Abstract / Full Text]
Balashov, M. V. & G. E. Ivanov
The Farthest and the Nearest Points of Sets, 25 (2018) 1019--1031
[Abstract / Full Text]
Balashov, M. V. & D. Repovs
On Plis Metric on the Space of Strictly Convex Compacta, 19 (2012) 171--183
[Abstract / Full Text]

Balcerowski, M.
Jensen Convex Functions on Semigroups, 31 (2024) 297--304
[Abstract / Full Text]

Balder, E. J. & C. Hess
Two Generalizations of Komlos' Theorem with Lower Closure-Type Applications, 3 (1996) 025--044
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Balder, E. J. & A. R. Sambucini
Fatou's Lemma for Multifunctions with Unbounded Values in a Dual Space, 12 (2005) 383--395
[Abstract / Full Text]

Balestro, V. & H. Martini & R. Teixeira
Optimal Constants in Normed Planes, 26 (2019) 89--104
[Abstract / Full Text]
Asymmetry Measures for Convex Distance Functions, 27 (2020) 117--138
[Abstract / Full Text]
Convex Analysis in Normed Spaces and Metric Projections onto Convex Bodies, 28 (2021) 1223--1248
[Abstract / Full Text]
Balestro, V. & E. Shonoda
On a Cosine Function Defined for Smooth Normed Spaces, 25 (2018) 21--39
[Abstract / Full Text]

Balogh, Z. M. & V. Penso
On Singular Sets of H-Monotone Maps, 26 (2019) 1--14
[Abstract / Full Text]

Banakh, T. & S. Gabriyelyan
Locally Convex Properties of Baire Type Function Spaces, 28 (2021) 803--818
[Abstract / Full Text]

Bandeira, L. & A. Ornelas
On the Characterization of a Class of Laminates for 2 × 2 Symmetric Gradients, 18 (2011) 37--58
[Abstract / Full Text]

Bandle, C. & A. Wagner
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Ma, Xiaoxiao & W. Yao & J. J. Ye & J. Zhang
Combined Approach with Second-Order Optimality Conditions for Bilevel Programming Problems, 30 (2023) 1173--1201
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Maccheroni, F. & S. Cerreia-Vioglio & M. Marinacci & L. Montrucchio
On the Equality of Clarke and Greenberg-Pierskalla Differentials, 29 (2022) 459--480
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Maculan, N. & L. M. Ramirez & A. E. Xavier & V. L. Xavier
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A Note on Extended Characterization of Generalized Trade-Off Directions in Multiobjective Optimization, 19 (2012) 91--111
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Mammadova, F. M. & M. Aliyev & F. Mamedov
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Mandal, K. & S. Bag & A. Bhanja & K. Paul
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Marinacci, M. & S. Cerreia-Vioglio & F. Maccheroni & L. Montrucchio
On the Equality of Clarke and Greenberg-Pierskalla Differentials, 29 (2022) 459--480
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Marques Alves, M. & O. Bueno & Y. García
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Marques Alves, M. & M. Geremia & R. T. Marcavillaca
A Relative-Error Inertial-Relaxed Inexact Projective Splitting Algorithm, 31 (2024) 1--24
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