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Research and Exposition in Mathematics -- Volume 4

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P. Burmeister, B. Ganter, C. Herrmann, K. Keimel,
W. Poguntke, R. Wille (eds.)

Universal Algebra and its Links with Logic, Algebra, Combinatorics and Computer Science.
Proc. 25th Workshop on Generalized Algebra,
Darmstadt 1983

252 p., soft cover, ISBN 3-88538-204-0, EUR 32.00, 1984

The book consists of survey papers, based on invited lectures.
G. Grätzer: Universal algebra and lattice theory: a story and three research problems;
H. P. Gumm: Geometrical reasoning and analogy in universal algebra;
H. K. Kaiser: Interpolation in universal algebra;
W. Felscher, J. Schulte Möhring: Algebraic and deductive consequence operations;
W. Hodges: On constructing many non-isomorphic algebras;
M. M. Richter: Some aspects of nonstandard methods in general algebra;
V. Weispfennig: Aspects of quantifier elimination in algebra;
H. Werner: Boolean construction and their role in universal algebra and model theory;
P. M. Cohn: Embedding problems for rings and semigroups;
H. Jürgensen: Varietäten von Monoiden, Kongruenzen und Sprachen;
S. Mac Lane: Diagrams, equations, and theories in categories;
R. Quackenbush: Universal algebra and combinatorics;
A. Herzer: Wünsche eines Geometers an die Allgemeine Algebra;
A. Beutelspacher: Universal algebra and combinatorics - a series of problems;
R. H. Möhring: An algebraic decomposition theory for discrete structures;
M. Funk, O. H. Kegel, K. Strambach: On group universality and homogeneity;
H. Andreka, I. Nemeti: Importance of universal algebra for computer science;
L. Kucera, V. Trnkova: The computational complexity of some problems of universal algebra;
H. Reichel: Partial algebras - a sound basis for structural induction.