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Journal of Lie Theory 20 (2010), No. 1, 065--091
Copyright Heldermann Verlag 2010

Invariant Berezin Integration on Homogeneous Supermanifolds

Alexander Alldridge
Institut für Mathematik, Universität Paderborn, Warburger Str. 100, 33100 Paderborn, Germany

Joachim Hilgert
Institut für Mathematik, Universität Paderborn, Warburger Str. 100, 33100 Paderborn, Germany


\def\g{{\frak g}} \def\h{{\frak h}} Let $\cal G$ be a Lie supergroup and $\cal H$ a closed subsupergroup. We study the unimodularity of the homogeneous supermanifold $\cal G/\cal H$, i.\ e.\ the existence of $\cal G$-invariant sections of its Berezinian line bundle. To that end, we express this line bundle as a $\cal G$-equivariant associated bundle of the principal $\cal H$-bundle $\cal G\to \cal G/\cal H$. We also study the fibre integration of Berezinians on oriented fibre bundles. As an application, we prove a formula of `Fubini' type: $$ \int_{\cal G}f = (-1)^{\dim\h_1\cdot\dim\g/\h}\int_{\cal G/\cal H} \int_{\cal H}f,\ \text{for all}\ f\in\Gamma_c(G,\cal O_{\cal G}). $$ Moreover, we derive analogues of integral formulae for the transformation under local isomorphisms $\cal G/\cal H\to \cal S/\cal T\!$, and under the products of Lie subsupergroups $\cal M\cdot\cal H\subset\cal U$. The classical counterparts of these formulae have numerous applications in harmonic analysis.

Keywords: Supermanifold, Lie supergroup, homogeneous superspace, Berezin integral, invariant Berezinian form, unimodularity, Fubini formula, fibre integration.

MSC: 58A50, 58C50, 53C30

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