
Journal of Lie Theory

Volume 4 (1994)

 Number 1, Number 2 

Number 1

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M. Moskowitz, R. D. Mosak
Stabilizers of Lattices in Lie Groups
001--016 [Fulltext-pdf (189 KB)]

J. D. Lawson
Maximal Ol'shanskii Semigroups
017--030 [Fulltext-pdf (151 KB)]

G. Gelbrich
Self-Similar Periodic Tilings on the Heisenberg Group
031--038 [Fulltext-pdf (364 KB)]

A. Luedeking, D. Poguntke
Cocycles on Abelian Groups and Primitive Ideals in Group C*-Algebras of Two-Step Nilpotent Groups and Connected Lie Groups
039--104 [Fulltext-pdf (505 KB)]

D. Arnal, J. Ludwig
Sums of Adjoint Orbits
105--138 [Fulltext-pdf (240 KB)]
Number 2

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K.-H. Neeb
The Classification of Lie Algebras with Invariant Cones
139--184 [Fulltext-pdf (336 KB)]

J. Hilgert, K.-H. Neeb, B. Oersted
The Geometry of Nilpotent Coadjoint Orbits of Convex Type in Hermitian Lie Algebras
185--236 [Fulltext-pdf (368 KB)]

F. Leitenberger
Triangular Lie Bi-Algebras and Matched Pairs for Lie Algebras of Real Vector Fields on S1
237--256 [Fulltext-pdf (167 KB)]

M. Stroppel
Lie Theory for Non-Lie Groups
257--284 [Fulltext-pdf (234 KB)]