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Journal of Lie Theory 29 (2019), No. 1, 089--093
Copyright Heldermann Verlag 2019

Discrete Subgroups of a Locally Compact Group with Jointly Discrete Chabauty Neighborhoods

Hatem Hamrouni
Faculty of Sciences at Sfax, Department of Mathematics, Sfax University, 3000 Sfax, Tunisia

Abdellatif Omri
Faculty of Sciences at Sfax, Department of Mathematics, Sfax University, 3000 Sfax, Tunisia


\newcommand{\cg}[1]{{\mathcal{S\hskip-.4pt U\hskip-.9pt B}}\hskip-.6pt\left(#1\right)} Let $G$ be a locally compact group. We denote by $\cg{G}$ the space of closed subgroups of $G$ equipped with the \textit{Chabauty topology}. A discrete subgroup $\Gamma$ of $G$ is said to admit a \textit{jointly discrete Chabauty neighborhood} if there exists an identity neighborhood $U$ in $G$ and an open neighborhood $\Omega$ of $\Gamma$ in $\cg{G}$ such that every closed subgroup $L\in \Omega$ satisfies $L\cap U=\{e\}$. Recently, T.\,Gelander and A.\,Levit proved that every lattice in a semi-simple analytic group admits a jointly discrete Chabauty neighborhood. In this paper, we prove that $G$ is a Lie group if and only if the trivial subgroup $\{e\}$ admits a jointly discrete Chabauty neighborhood, if and only if every discrete subgroup of $G$ admits a jointly discrete Chabauty neighborhood.

Keywords: Locally compact group, Lie group, pro-Lie group, discrete subgroup, Chabauty topology, jointly discrete Chabauty neighborhood.

MSC: 22D05, 54B20, 22E40

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